Project Brief


ProspectScout is an innovative LinkedIn lead-generation software that helps customers reach new markets, improve lead quality, and grow their businesses with ease. ProspectScout was created because the founders identified a gap in the market for user-friendly, intuitive lead-generation tools. They tried various software to meet their needs before deciding to build their own from the ground up.


My role was the Product Designer. I collaborated with the co-founder, project manager, and a team of software engineers.


I was tasked with designing an intuitive yet powerful product built to scale. Core features include customized campaigns, alias management, and a global inbox that helps manage prospects seamlessly from within the application. With the sheer amount of features included in the project scope, I needed to deeply understand the user and design the application in a way that wouldn't overwhelm new users with information overload.


We moved forward with a custom desktop application that automates lead generation through scheduled campaigns. The main user flows include the creation or editing of: campaigns, aliases, integrations, messages, and reports.

Project Overview

Below is an overview of the design phases of this project.



I joined the team when there was a partially completed MVP with multiple incomplete user flows. The screen below is an example of the starting point when I joined. I had to re-think the screens already in progress and start other flows completely from scratch. This required collaborating with the engineering team to ensure that the user experience design updates made to pre-existing screens would require minimal refactoring.


Asynchronous collaboration without a product manager. I was mainly working with stakeholders and a small team of engineers. During the process, changes in the direction of the product were communicated verbally on calls. There were instances of score creep and items being assigned to the engineers without a design. As such, I had to step up to advocate for design principles and prioritize thorough communication to ensure that the user's perspective was at the forefront of the product at each stage.

ProspectScout campaign page prior to UX updates


In order for this project to be a success, we had to:


Make the application intuitive so that users could easily create campaigns suited to their business goals.


Prioritize information architecture. From the order of menu tabs to data table columns, conversations with stakeholders helped me hone in on the most important information depicted on each screen.


Implement the Material Design System to ensure design consistency throughout. Due to the large scope of this project, it is integral to keep user flows straightforward. We also want scalability as new features are added. Using a system sped up my wireframing process and made collaboration with engineering more efficient.

Campaign settings screen

Design Process

Below is an overview of my process. As this was a long-term contract (> 6 months) this process was completed for multiple user flows within the desktop application.


A lot of my time was spent understanding the lead generation industry. I explored the tools currently used by the stakeholders (mainly Close and Pipedrive), and conducted a competitive analysis to understand how this product would stand out. During this research and exploration stage, I asked the stakeholders high-level questions, that would lead to more feature-specific questions, which helped bridge the gap in my understanding of the new platform and their users' journeys.

Draft Wireframes

In order for me to speed up my understanding and explore possible solutions, I created wireframes and prototyped them in Figma. My goal during this stage is to hone in on user flows.

Present and Review with Stakeholders

Once the wireframes were completed, I scheduled a meeting (or recorded a video demo) to present my work to stakeholders. During this stage, I was able to ask for more clarification and locate the missing puzzle pieces in my understanding. Typically, I met with stakeholders at least once a week during a standup meeting.

Iterate Until Approval

Using the feedback I receive from the previous stage, I use this time to update the wireframes with the additional information and present the new versions to stakeholders again. I repeat this process until my wireframes are approved.

Integrations screen

The Solution

We moved forward with a desktop application that automates the LinkedIn lead generation process. With ProspectScout, the user can create a campaign with top-notch default settings. They can add aliases, contacts, message templates, and integrations to fully optimize their lead pipeline.


To give users a high-level snapshot upon first login, we created a dashboard that displays aliases by status and shows a chart with recent alias activity which the user can adjust to view various date ranges.


To increase the likelihood of closing leads, we set up default campaign settings. This way, the user would only need to update settings that are campaign specific, such as timezone or working hours. This should minimize user drop-off as all fields are already optimized on campaign creation.


We created a global inbox to manage lead communications from directly within the application. This way, the user does not need to open LinkedIn to respond to each message from a prospect. This will save the user time and increase efficiency.

Alias data table screen

Key Takeaways

Ensure designers and engineers are on the same page

Based on a discussion with the engineering team, learned they were using MUI. Based on this, I utilized the Material Design System for my designs to ensure that the handoff between design and engineers was smooth.

This also ensured that when new design requests came in, I was able to complete them more efficiently with a robust system available for my use.

Ask a lot of questions

During the project, my primary emphasis was on asking relevant questions to gain a deep understanding of the challenges they were encountering.

By taking this approach, I aimed to foster a collaborative environment where the focus was on the problem at hand.

Become a thought partner

As the Product Designer, I focused on being an advocate for the user. When given certain design tickets, that meant meeting with the stakeholders to address concerns about the user journey and presenting alternative solutions that would adhere to UX best practices.